Implant: Quick Facts

- The implant is a toothpick-size device that goes under the skin of the upper, inner arm.
- It works for 3 years but can be removed at any time. Or you can get another implant at 3 years.
- It takes only 30 seconds to get an implant.
- The implant is a progestin-only method which means that it is safe for almost everyone to use. The medicine in the implant is called etonogestrel.
- People who have the implant will not have regular menstrual periods. This is safe and expected. You may have no bleeding or irregular bleeding. There are medications to stop the bleeding if it bothers you.
- For most users, the implant makes menstrual periods better. The medicine in the implant thins the lining of the uterus which means less bleeding and cramps. It also blocks ovulation which means that it will improve PMS and other conditions that are caused by monthly changes in hormone levels.
- You will be able to check that the implant is under the skin in your arm, but it will not bother you or cause pain. People will not be able to tell that the implant is there.
- The implant can be removed at any time by a simple office procedure. The medication in the implant is gone right away after removal.
- The implant is the 99.9% effective as method of birth control.
Learn More
How do I get an implant?
Once you decide that the implant is the right choice, call our office (720-777-2667) or use MyChart to schedule an appointment.
At your visit, your health provider will review all your health information, answer your questions, and collect a urine sample.
When it is time to place the implant, your will lay your arm on the table. Your provider will numb a very small area of the inner, upper arm. Then the implant is placed under the skin. The procedure will take 30 seconds.
Your provider will place a thin piece of adhesive tape over the skin and then wrap the arm with a bandage.
What do I need to do after the implant is placed?
You can do all your normal activities after getting an implant.
You can take off the bandage around your arm at the end of the day, or sooner if you would like.
Put a new band-aid over the adhesive tape for the first 2-3 days.
Remove the adhesive tape 5-7 days after getting the implant. It is OK if it comes off sooner.
You may get a bruise on your arm. This is common and will go away in 1-2 weeks.
Please contact our clinic if you have redness, pain, or any questions at all.
How should I keep track of my periods now?
Irregular bleeding or no bleeding is common when using the implant. The bleeding pattern is very likely to be random which means it may come or go at any time.
If you want, you can use a menstrual tracking app (like Clue) or a paper calendar to mark the days that you have bleeding.
If I have irregular bleeding with the implant, what can I do about it?
Start by keeping track of the bleeding. How much are you having and on how many days each week?
Irregular bleeding with the implant is a normal side effect. But, if it is bothering you, please call:
or MyChart message the clinic and we will talk about options to treat implant-related bleeding.
What about other side effects?
It is possible to have other side effects with the implant, but these are much less common than the changes in menstrual bleeding. The implant does not cause weight gain, mood changes, or acne for most users. There is no decrease in bone density, and no increase in ovarian cysts. Please talk to our clinic if you have concerns about these issues before or after getting an implant.
What do I need to know when using the implant as birth control?
It takes 5 days for the implant to be an effective method of birth control. Keep using your current method for at least 5 days after having it placed.
The implant does not prevent STI’s. Use condoms and get tested at least each year.
These two websites have great information about using the implant as birth control ☝🏼